As the digital world evolves, many users find themselves needing to simplify their online presence or adjust their service subscriptions. If you've decided that it's time to part ways with your AWS subscription, this article will provide you with a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to effectively cancel your AWS subscription. From preparing for account closure to understanding the post-cancellation implications, we'll walk you through the entire process to ensure a smooth and informed transition.

Key Takeaways

  • Before canceling, review and terminate all active services and subscriptions to avoid post-closure charges.
  • Navigate to the AWS account closure page, sign in, confirm your identity, and choose a reason for leaving AWS.
  • Confirm account closure, respond to the confirmation email, and acknowledge the termination of services.
  • Understand that account deletion results in the loss of all data and services associated with the AWS account.
  • Consider alternative actions, such as reducing your digital footprint or moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox, before closing your account.

Preparing to Cancel Your AWS Subscription

Preparing to Cancel Your AWS Subscription

Review Active Services and Subscriptions

Before proceeding with the cancellation of your AWS subscription, it's crucial to review all active services and subscriptions. This step ensures that you are aware of all the AWS components that will be affected by the account closure. Begin by listing all the services you are currently using, including EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and any other AWS resources.

Canceling active services or subscriptions is a necessary action to avoid unexpected charges post-cancellation. For sellers, this includes services like FBA and warehousing. Ensure that you have completed or removed any outstanding orders before moving forward.

It is important to clean up your AWS resources regularly to avoid unnecessary costs.

Here are some tips to reduce your AWS bill:

  • Monitor costs daily
  • Use AWS Trusted Advisor
  • Utilize spot instances
  • Clean up resources regularly
  • Subscribe to a bill monitoring service

Complete or Remove Outstanding Orders

Before proceeding with the cancellation of your AWS subscription, it's crucial to address any outstanding orders. Ensure all pending orders are either completed or canceled to avoid complications post-account closure. This step is not just a matter of tidiness; it's a requirement to comply with Amazon's policies.

  • First, review your account for any active services or subscriptions that may have pending orders.
  • Next, follow the guidance from the AWS Billing documentation: terminate all instances of your software in the subscriptions.
  • Finally, cancel subscriptions on the AWS Marketplace console's Manage subscriptions page.

Remember, if you choose to complete the orders, Amazon's policy dictates a waiting period of 90 days before you can fully close your account.

By taking care of these obligations, you ensure a smooth transition away from AWS without unexpected charges or policy violations.

Understand the Implications of Account Closure

Before proceeding with the cancellation of your AWS subscription, it's crucial to understand the implications of account closure. Closing your AWS account is irreversible and results in the loss of access to all AWS services and data. Here are some key points to consider:

  • All data stored in AWS services will be permanently deleted.
  • You will no longer have access to your AWS account or any associated services.
  • Any remaining balance must be settled, and outstanding charges will be billed to your payment method on file.

Ensure that you have backed up or migrated all necessary data before initiating the closure process. Failure to do so will result in the permanent loss of your data.

Remember, once your account is closed, it cannot be recovered. If you have any reservations about closing your account, consider exploring alternative actions before finalizing your decision.

Navigating the Account Closure Process

Navigating the Account Closure Process

Accessing the Account Closure Page

To initiate the cancellation of your AWS subscription, you must first navigate to the Account Closure Page. This is a critical step in the process, as it is where you will formally request the termination of your services. Follow these steps to access the page:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to the 'Account Settings' section.
  3. Scroll down to find the 'Close Account' option.

Ensure that you are ready to proceed before accessing this page, as closing your account is a significant action that cannot be easily reversed.

Remember, once you begin the account closure process, you will be asked to provide a reason for leaving AWS. Choose the option that best reflects your circumstances. This feedback is valuable to AWS as it helps them understand user experiences and improve their services.

Signing In and Confirming Your Identity

After you've prepared to cancel your AWS subscription, the next step is to sign in to your AWS account. It's crucial to ensure that you have the necessary credentials at hand. If you encounter any difficulties, AWS support is available to assist with any billing errors or oversights. Remember, vigilance is key to avoid surprises.

Once signed in, you'll be prompted to confirm your identity. This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized account changes. Follow the instructions carefully:

  • Enter your account credentials.
  • Respond to any two-factor authentication prompts.
  • Provide any additional verification information requested.

It's important to complete this step accurately to avoid any delays in the account closure process.

After confirming your identity, you'll be ready to proceed to the next step of choosing a reason for leaving AWS. This feedback is valuable to AWS for improving their services.

Choosing a Reason for Leaving

When you arrive at the decision to leave AWS, you will be prompted to select a reason for your departure. This step is not mandatory, but providing feedback can help AWS improve their services. The reasons range from cost concerns to not requiring the services anymore. Here's a list of common reasons users might choose:

  • Cost-related issues
  • Switching to a competitor
  • No longer needing the services
  • Technical difficulties
  • Business closure or downsizing

Remember, your feedback is valuable and can lead to enhancements that benefit the entire AWS community.

After selecting your reason, you will need to check a confirmation box to proceed. This action sends a request to Amazon to initiate the closure of your account. You will receive an email detailing the next steps or explaining if any actions are required before your account can be closed. It's essential to resolve any outstanding issues to avoid complications with the account closure process.

Finalizing the Cancellation

Finalizing the Cancellation

Confirming the Closure of Your Account

Once you've navigated through the account closure process, the final step is to confirm the closure of your AWS account. This is done by checking a confirmation box and clicking the 'Close My Account' button. An email will be sent to you from Amazon, scheduling a date for your account's closure or detailing any actions required before closure can proceed.

After you receive the confirmation email, it's crucial to click the link within to verify your decision. This step is essential to ensure that the closure request is legitimate and that you are the one initiating it. Failure to confirm via email may result in a delay or cancellation of the account closure process.

Remember, once your account is closed, you will lose access to all AWS services and data associated with it. Ensure you have backed up any important information and resolved all outstanding orders or services.

If the account you closed is a member account, you can verify successful closure by checking if the closed account is labeled as SUSPENDED in the AWS management console. This label indicates that the account is no longer active and cannot incur further AWS charges.

Receiving and Responding to the Confirmation Email

Once you've initiated the closure of your AWS account, you will receive a confirmation email from Amazon Web Services. It's crucial to promptly check your inbox for this email, as it contains a verification link that you must click to proceed. The email typically arrives within a few minutes, but if you don't see it, be sure to check your spam or junk folders.

After clicking the verification link, AWS will confirm that your request to close the account is being processed. This step is essential to ensure that your account closure is not left in a pending state.

To streamline the process, follow these steps:

  1. Open the email from Amazon Web Services.
  2. Click on the verification link provided in the email.
  3. Await the confirmation message indicating that your account closure request has been received.

Remember, failing to respond to the confirmation email may result in a delay or cancellation of your account closure request. If you encounter any issues, refer to the AWS Documentation or contact customer support for assistance.

Acknowledging the Termination of Services

Once you have confirmed the closure of your AWS account, it is crucial to acknowledge the termination of services. This final step ensures that you are aware of the services that will cease and the data that will be irretrievably lost. It is a moment to ensure that all necessary backups and data migrations have been completed.

  • Review the AWS Customer Agreement to understand the terms of service termination.
  • Ensure all data backups are complete.
  • Verify that no additional charges will be incurred post-closure.

By acknowledging the termination, you are accepting that all your data and services associated with AWS will be permanently deleted. This action is irreversible, so it is essential to be certain that you have retrieved all the information you need before proceeding.

Remember, once the termination process is complete, you will not be able to recover any AWS resources or data. It is advisable to keep a record of the closure confirmation for your personal files.

Post-Cancellation Considerations

Post-Cancellation Considerations

What Gets Deleted with Your Account

Closing your AWS account has irreversible consequences. All associated services and platforms will be permanently deleted. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Amazon Prime
  • Amazon Pay
  • Audible
  • Whole Foods Market
  • Kindle
  • Prime Video
  • Amazon Photos
  • Amazon Music
  • IMDbPro
  • comiXology
  • Amazon Appstore
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Additionally, any Amazon hardware devices such as Kindles, Echos, or Fire TVs will lose access to your account. It's crucial to understand that once your account is closed, there is no option for recovery. > If you decide to return to Amazon in the future, you will need to start from scratch with a new account. Make sure to back up any important data or content you wish to keep before proceeding with the account closure.

Resolving Potential AWS Account 'Pause' Issues

When your AWS account's email sending capabilities are paused, it's crucial to promptly address the situation. Review the account's status and the specific reasons for the suspension as outlined on the Amazon SES page. The following steps can help you resolve the issue:

  1. Sign in to the Amazon SES console to identify the cause of the pause.
  2. Address any service terms violations or billing issues that may have contributed to the suspension.
  3. If your bounce rate exceeds 10% or your complaint rate is greater than 0.5%, take immediate corrective actions.
  4. Respond to any follow-up questions from the Amazon SES team diligently if your account undergoes further review.

It's important to act swiftly to reinstate your account and prevent any long-term disruptions to your email services.

For more detailed guidance, visit the AWS Knowledge Center.

Reflecting on the Decision to Leave AWS

After completing the AWS account cancellation process, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the decision to leave. Consider the reasons that led to this choice and how they align with your long-term goals. AWS offers a vast array of services and features that cater to a wide range of needs, from hosting web applications to managing complex data centers.

Reflecting on the decision can help you understand if the move aligns with your strategic objectives. It's also an opportunity to assess the potential impact on your operations and to plan for any necessary transitions. Here are some points to consider:

  • The specific services and features you utilized on AWS
  • The cost implications of moving to another service or operating in-house
  • The technical and operational challenges you may face post-transition

While AWS provides robust solutions, ensuring that your new environment meets or exceeds those capabilities is crucial for maintaining continuity and performance.

Alternative Actions Before Account Closure

Alternative Actions Before Account Closure

Evaluating the Need to Delete Your Account

Before taking the irreversible step of deleting your AWS account, it's crucial to evaluate whether this action aligns with your long-term goals. Consider the following points:

  • Reflect on the reasons for leaving AWS. Are they temporary or permanent issues?
  • Assess the impact on your current projects and future plans.
  • Review the services and data you will lose access to upon deletion.

It's important to remember that account deletion is final. Once completed, recovery of any data or services is not possible.

If you're part of an organization, ensure that there are no active member accounts remaining. This can be verified by visiting the AWS Organizations console. After thorough consideration, if you decide that closing your account is the best course of action, proceed with the understanding of what this entails.

Exploring Other Options to Reduce Digital Footprint

Before deciding to cancel your AWS subscription, consider other avenues to minimize your digital footprint. Downscaling your AWS usage can be an effective alternative to account closure. This can involve shutting down unused instances, deleting old snapshots, and reviewing your storage needs. By doing so, you not only reduce your digital footprint but also potentially lower your costs.

  • Manage and validate your Digital Footprint
  • Use the Add operation for assets not in the Digital Footprint yet
  • Reviewing, claiming, adding, managing, and validating your Digital Footprint

Another option is to explore AWS's cost management tools which can help you identify and eliminate wasteful spending. For instance, AWS Budgets allows you to set custom budgets that alert you when costs or usage exceed your defined thresholds.

Consider the impact of each service on your digital footprint and make informed decisions to optimize your AWS environment.

Lastly, if you're concerned about data privacy, you can implement stricter access controls and data encryption to enhance security without having to delete your account.

How to Move Out of Amazon SES Sandbox

Moving out of the Amazon SES Sandbox is a crucial step for users who wish to use Amazon SES for email sending without the limitations imposed on new accounts. To begin the process, submit a request to Amazon SES from your AWS Account, providing detailed and authentic information about your use case and domain.

To ensure a successful request, include the following:

  • Your website URL (Your Domain)
  • Your use case for sending emails

If your request is initially denied, don't be discouraged. It's not uncommon to request AWS again to move your account out of the sandbox environment. Persistence and providing comprehensive business information can be key to approval.

Remember, the main objective is to convincingly share your business and email usage details with AWS.

For developers looking to clean up their AWS environment, deleting unnecessary SES rule sets can be part of the process. Utilizing an AWS SDK, you can remove these rule sets efficiently. For example, the C++ SDK offers straightforward code examples for this task, which can be found on GitHub.


In conclusion, canceling your AWS subscription and closing your Amazon account is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of the services and data you will lose. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can ensure a smooth and informed transition away from Amazon's ecosystem. Remember to cancel any active services, complete or remove outstanding orders, and review the implications of account closure. Confirm your decision through the account closure page and via email, and then you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with simplifying your digital presence. Whether you're looking to declutter your digital life or address specific issues with AWS, this guide aims to assist you in navigating the process with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do before canceling my AWS subscription?

Before canceling your AWS subscription, review all active services and subscriptions, complete or remove any outstanding orders, and understand the implications of account closure such as the loss of data and services.

How do I access the AWS account closure page?

To access the AWS account closure page, navigate to the 'Close Your Amazon Account' page on the Amazon website, where you can begin the process of account deletion.

What happens after I confirm the closure of my AWS account?

After confirming the closure of your AWS account, you will receive a confirmation email. You must respond to this email to finalize the cancellation process.

What gets deleted with my AWS account?

When you close your AWS account, you will lose access to all AWS services, your order history, saved payment methods, and any associated data will be permanently deleted.

How can I resolve an AWS account 'pause' issue?

To resolve an AWS account 'pause' issue, sign in to the Amazon SES page to review the reasons for suspension and take appropriate actions to address the underlying issues and reinstate your account.

Are there alternatives to deleting my AWS account if I want to reduce my digital footprint?

Yes, if you're looking to reduce your digital footprint without deleting your account, consider cancelling unnecessary subscriptions or exploring other options like adjusting your privacy settings instead of full account deletion.